Playing audio sound using SoundPool in Android : best suit for click effects

If you want to listen sound for a button click corresponding to as many times the user
clicks, specifically when the user clicks/taps continuosly with very short span, then follow below steps :-)

Implement SoundPool and AudioManager classes instead of traditional MediaPlayer. Sample is below:

import android.content.Context;

public class MusicPlayer {

            public static SoundPool soundPoolObj;

            private static int soundPoolObjectID;

            public static AudioManager audioManager;

            private static boolean resourceReleased;

                  * I know you are good enough to catch this, still....,
                  *This is the constructor which would be called
*preferably during starting of your app, I mean, before you start any associated music.
*Note that, You have to pass context and resource id for music to be played.
* You may use streaming as well, Since I have not tried any, I am not posting about it:-)

                  public MusicPlayer(Context context,int musicResourceID)

soundPoolObj=new SoundPool(1/*maximum number of simultaneous streams */,
audioManager=(AudioManager)context.getSystemService( Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);            

soundPoolObjectID=soundPoolObj.load(context, musicResourceID, 1/*priority*/);


                   * Invoke this method to play the corresponding music..
* make sure you have instantiated this class with proper parameters
                  public static void playMusic()
/*Make sure sound duration is small for click effect..*/
int streamVolume = audioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
streamVolume/*leftVolume*/, streamVolume/*rightVolume*/,
1, 0/*loop: '0' for no looping and '-1' for looping forever*/, 1f);
                              *if you wanna pause a long background music,
                              *try: soundPoolObj.pause(soundPoolObjectID);
* and soundPoolObj.resume(soundPoolObjectID); for resuming


                  *Called when you are quitting/ no longer need   music
                  public static void stopMusic()
                        //Release  the associated resource



This is an utility class and needs support from a class which implements Activity.

Happy coding :-)

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